Which “WordPress theme framework” is prefered to make custom themes without knowing much PHP

I know XHTML CSS but PHP knowledge is not much and i want to get familiar with one framework to make wordpress themes quickly for clients

Available Frameworks

* Atahualpa
* The Buffet Framework
* Carrington
* Hybrid
* Sandbox
* Thematic
* WP Framework
* Thesis 

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  1. I have used Wp-Framework multiple times and have had no problem with it. While I know PHP fairly well, it is still just styling elements and maybe copying/pasting the php or html to re-align it in the DOM. Super easy to work with.

  2. I found that learning how to do a child theme using thematic to be really quite awesome.

    Here is my post, with tips inside for those just starting out. I give an example in there that looks like this:

      function calltoaction() {
         include(STYLESHEETPATH . '/calltoaction.php' );
      add_action('thematic_navigation_below', 'calltoaction', 1);

    And thematic has great support on the themeshaper forums.

  3. I’d go with Thesis because you can just do a lot of stuff in the admin section and if you need to go further, is not hard to find snippets of code to paste on the custom_functions file