Which hierarchical model for menu and categories is used in CMS like Joomla or WP?

Adjaceny or Nested sets model or something else?

I am interested in CMS like Joomla or WordPress and how they deal with menus, categories and other hierarchical datas that are stored in db.

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  1. Joomla is using nested sets for multiple things, including menu items and categories.

    WordPress seems to use a rather unusal system, storing its menu items along with other things in its “terms” table. I can only find a “parent” field there, so I’m assuming it’s just simply storing the id of the parent item to model hierarchical menus. I haven’t worked with WordPress though.

  2. I am working with wordpress. I find model hierarchical menus in wordpress. It store the menu in db in hierarchical way. You can also find the parent menu by the wordpress function. In wordpress i can find one issues of bredcumb. If that will solved later, than wordpress menu is better than joomla.