I’ve been handed some PSDs and need to create an ecommerce site using WordPress and WooCommerce. I’ve found a couple of resources for creating WordPress themes…
…but because I’m going to be using WooCommerce, do I still need to follow those guides, or will the WooCommerce development stage make the above guides redundant?
I have researched this, but the resources I’ve found do not make it clear where to start if you are new to both WordPress and WooCommerce.
Thank you in advance.
My recommendation would be to develop a WordPress theme as normal, preferably as a child theme using a good-quality parent theme like Toolbox which will provide most of the html and functionality leaving you to customize the CSS.
Then install WooCommerce and add to you theme from there. In the settings, uncheck the “use WooCommerce styles” and copy the woocommerce stylesheet into your theme folder under
. Then you are free to edit the default woocommerce styles as you please.I’ve created a few themes (not wootheme compatible) in the past, but lately, I’m finding amazing themes with themeforest’s offerings
I was always worried about personalization and making my sites look distinct, but that’s not an issue,
Every theme is so configurable in a multitude of layouts/colors etc..
If you search by woocommerce tag you’ll find a bunch of themes compatible