Where does the gallery shortcode gets its attachments from?

I know that media are an attachment post type that are children to a post, but how are galleries stored in WordPress?

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  1. This completely depends on how your gallery shortcode looks like.

    If you replaced it with something custom, then you’ll have to take a look at the plugin (or the theme).

    The default gallery shortcode gets it from a query:

    $query_args = array(
         'post_status'    => 'inherit'
        ,'post_type'      => 'attachment'
        ,'post_mime_type' => 'image'
        ,'order'          => $order
        ,'orderby'        => $orderby

    Then it decides to add additional args for either include or exclude.

    Here’re the 3 scenarios that add the additional/non-shared arguments.

    'include' => preg_replace( '/[^D,]+/', '', $include )
    'exclude' => preg_replace( '/[^D,]+/', '', $include )
    // default
    'post_parent' => $id