When I started with the beginning of the article title number, gives a 404 error

in wordpress, when I started with the beginning of the article title number, gives a 404 error.
Not problem I used:

Title: Hello World
Permalink: example.com/hello-world

But problem is at this:

Read More
Title: 2 Hello World
Permalink: example.com/2-hello-world

My title is “2 Hello World” or “23 Hello World” or “any number Hello World”.. So permalink is “2-hello-world” or “23-hello-world”.. Click permalink: its 404 no found. But, when My title was example: “Hello World 2”, no problem!

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  1. Ok. I solved my problem. Problem is web.config codes..

    I chanced my code thats, problem solved:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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