I’m wondering what all the wp_2_*
, wp_3_*
, wp_4_*
, and wp_5_*
tables are in the database. Does anyone know what they are? Some of them in my example are from plugins, but what does the wp_#
prefix mean? and why are there then duplicates for some of the core database tables?
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_example |
| wp_2_commentmeta |
| wp_2_comments |
| wp_2_links |
| wp_2_options |
| wp_2_postmeta |
| wp_2_posts |
| wp_2_term_relationships |
| wp_2_term_taxonomy |
| wp_2_terms |
| wp_3_commentmeta |
| wp_3_comments |
| wp_3_links |
| wp_3_options |
| wp_3_postmeta |
| wp_3_posts |
| wp_3_term_relationships |
| wp_3_term_taxonomy |
| wp_3_terms |
| wp_4_commentmeta |
| wp_4_comments |
| wp_4_contact_form_7 |
| wp_4_events |
| wp_4_events_categories |
| wp_4_gwolle_gb_entries |
| wp_4_gwolle_gb_log |
| wp_4_links |
| wp_4_options |
| wp_4_postmeta |
| wp_4_posts |
| wp_4_quotescollection |
| wp_4_term_relationships |
| wp_4_term_taxonomy |
| wp_4_terms |
| wp_5_commentmeta |
| wp_5_comments |
| wp_5_links |
| wp_5_options |
| wp_5_postmeta |
| wp_5_posts |
| wp_5_term_relationships |
| wp_5_term_taxonomy |
| wp_5_terms |
| wp_blog_versions |
| wp_blogs |
| wp_commentmeta |
| wp_comments |
| wp_domain_mapping |
| wp_domain_mapping_logins |
| wp_links |
| wp_options |
| wp_postmeta |
| wp_posts |
| wp_redirection_groups |
| wp_redirection_items |
| wp_redirection_logs |
| wp_redirection_modules |
| wp_registration_log |
| wp_signups |
| wp_site |
| wp_sitemeta |
| wp_term_relationships |
| wp_term_taxonomy |
| wp_terms |
| wp_usermeta |
| wp_users |
| wp_woo_custom_nav_menus |
| wp_woo_custom_nav_records |
67 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Those are from a multisite install. The numbers represent the blog_id and the tables are created when you add a new site to your network.