What is the best way to store custom variables

I need to store the id and secret key of my FB application. I don’t want to write them directly in my template. What do you recommend ?

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  1. I recommend you to store it in WordPress options table using function add_option() function as this is site specific data and not post/category specific.

  2. I know this is an older question, but I still feel like it should contain another suggestion so I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

    I use the wp-config.php file for such cases where you have a global constant that should be accessible everywhere. This is what WordPress itself does when it needs to store and access such constants as DB_NAME, DB_USER etc. So my recommendation is to add the following to your wp-config.php like:

    define('FACEBOOK_ID', VALUE); // Replace VALUE with your actual value
    define('FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY', VALUE); // Replace VALUE with your actual value

    Then in the code you can access these values by simply using the constants FACEBOOK_ID and FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY

    This organizes them all into one safe location and also avoids calls to the DB rather than using an already defined const variable.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention if you’re working on a php page outside of WordPress, you will have to add something like this to your file: require_once( __DIR__ . '/wp-config.php'); This example assumes the custom file is in the same directory as wp-config.php

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