I’ve read several topics about this and different people have different views on the best practice.
In terms of WordPress, how do I write data to the database the safest way?
This is one insert I’m using now:
$result = $wpdb->insert(
$table_name ,
'arena' => $galleryData['arena'],
'year' => substr( $galleryData['season'], 2 ),
'copyright' => $galleryData['copyright'],
'description' => $galleryData['description'],
'path' => $galleryData['path'],
'fk_brand_id' => $galleryData['brand']
array( '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d' )
Another way of inserting data is doing this:
$sanitized_sql = $wpdb->prepare( "
INSERT INTO my_plugin_table
field1 = %1$d,
field2 = %2$s,
field3 = %3$sâ,
'Aaron Brazell',
'Washington, D.C'
" );
$wpdb->query( $sanitized_sql );
Do I still need to sanitize data using wp_kses()
or mysql_real_escape_string()
I’m just confused on what method is the better for safely writing data to the database. I found a helpful answer on Stack Overflow.
So should I or should I not sanitize data before input?
No the sanitization is already done. Well the mysql_real_escape_string is done, it’s considered bad form to filter html on input. I personally think doing it on output kinda breaches DRY. If you did in WordPress I highly suspect somewhere else will do it again resulting in double html entities encoding.
Also by the way, wpdb::insert is basically just a wrapper for wpdb::prepare.
Note that storing data safely is different from safe data. For example JavaScript code can be totally harmless in context of database security, but nightmare in context of front-end.
There is no single blanket approach, that is why WordPress has massive amount of related functions.
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