What is the best way to detect IE browsers 8 and below?

I’m using some HTML5 functionality that only works on IE9 and I need to detect whether visitors are running on IE8 or below (mainly just IE8 or 7 of course). I’ve tried some plugins but the one that was working didn’t seem to support IE9 (just up to 8). It’s called PHP Browser Detection (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/php-browser-detection/)

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  1. I would suggest using that plugin, but slightly modifying it for your needs. For example, you can find the code block in php-browser-detection.php that does the IE7 check:

    function is_IE7 (){
        $browserInfo = php_browser_info();
        if(isset($browserInfo['browser']) && $browserInfo['browser']=='IE' && $browserInfo['majorver'] == '7')
            return true;
        return false;   

    To create a version that will detect IE 8, add a new function that does the same thing, but just with the majorver set to 8:

    function is_IE8 (){
        $browserInfo = php_browser_info();
        if(isset($browserInfo['browser']) && $browserInfo['browser']=='IE' && $browserInfo['majorver'] == '8')
            return true;
        return false;   