I found this in a WordPress css file and I don’t understand it:
html { margin-top: 28px !important; }
* html body { margin-top: 28px !important; }
Why is the second line needed and what does * html body select?
I found this in a WordPress css file and I don’t understand it:
html { margin-top: 28px !important; }
* html body { margin-top: 28px !important; }
Why is the second line needed and what does * html body select?
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It matches “A body element that is a descendant of an html element that is a descendant of any element”.
This is impossible in HTML.
(But a bug that used to exist in IE means it will match in old versions of that browser).
It’s a hack to declare css styles that only the IE browser can use…
Newer browsers will ignore the CSS declaration…