What class to select to remove URL underline?

I am trying to remove the underline from a URL on a hover event, but cannot figure out which class/CSS rule is affecting the div. At the bottom of the page is a “Related Posts” section, and when the cursor hovers over the image/article title, the title gets underlined.

The CSS rule I am applying to remove the underline is text-decoration:none

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An example of the issue can be seen at the bottom of this page:

I created CSS rules for many of the various cascading classes, such as: jp-relatedposts-post jp-relatedposts-post0 jp-relatedposts-post-thumbs

and even combined them all into one giant, super specific class, but still am unable to remove the underline.

tl;dr – What class selector do I need to use to target the Related Posts hyperlink in order to remove the underline that appears on a hover event?

Please let me know if I can clarify anything

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  1. What is the significance of “jp-relatedposts-post-a” class. If you can add css to this class, then add the following:

    .jp-relatedposts-post-a, .jp-relatedposts-post-a:hover{
         text-decoration: none;

    If this doesnot works for you, then can you try:

    a.jp-relatedposts-post-a {
      text-decoration: none !important;
  2. div#jp-relatedposts div.jp-relatedposts-items div.jp-relatedposts-post:hover .jp-relatedposts-post-title a {
        text-decoration: underline;

    from jetpack.css.

    Debugger tools Inspector



    after jetpack.css or use none !important; if it’s impossible.