Webkit Browsers Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I have very strange problem with my website www.fanebi.com

The problem is that in Webkit based browsers (Google Chrome,Opera,Safari) the website loads with errors and I can see errors in console like:

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Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Sometimes I get such errors for 10,20,30 files. It can be images, css files, js files and so on. So if I get error for css or js even whole website not loads properly.

I don’t see any problem with Firefox browser. It works just normal and website loads perfectly.

This problem is appearing about since 1 week. Before this, there was no such problem.

Website is based on WordPress engine. Whenever I had such problem, I checked my mac for malware but customers also have the same issue. So, it’s not only the problem of my MAC and browser.

Can anybody help me to fix that huge problem?

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  1. This is an error thrown by AdBlock plus or simular programs. It’s nothing to worry about, you can disable the extension to remove the ‘errors’.

    Edit: oh, it’s posted in the comments too.