WAMP server shows blank page on my wordpress

Good day!
Today when I run my WordPress (index) site on localhost it only shows blank page.
However, It doesn’t show blank page on admin and still can access it smoothly. Please help me. Thanks in advance

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  1. Did you try turning on debugging mode?

    You do that in wp-config.php.

    Locate define('WP_DEBUG', false); and set it to true.

    Another thing I would try is to make some simple php file and test that if it is working. Something like:

    echo "test";    

    Alternatively, you can try checking & deactivating plugins. If its fixed or not.
    Read How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death? hopefully your issue will be solved.

    good luck!

  2. try resetting the theme by running these commands in the console on your database

    update wp_options set option_value = 'default' where option_name = 'template'
    update wp_options set option_value = 'default' where option_name ='stylesheet'

    After that try logging in using your wp-admin panel using your username and password and setting a different theme of your choice.

    Hope this helps!!!

  3. You’re seeing a blank page because there’s an error but you have error reporting turned off.

    Turn on error reporting to find out where you need to be looking.