Using WordPress authentication for a Rails App – SSO Between from Rails to WordPress

We have a customer that wants to use their current WordPress site at the “source” for their user table.

(If it makes a difference, the rails app will be the primary app interface for a web front end as well as an iOS and Android front ends.)

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So, the user will login through the Website and the idea is that an API call would be made to WordPress with the email/pwd. It would return an authentication successful. I would then issue a token or something like this to the Mobile platforms to allow them continued access.

Any thoughts on how to make the authentication piece work between rails -> wordpress?

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  1. In case anyone else wants to accomplish the same thing. Here is how I solved the problem. First, my wordpress instance and rails instances are sitting on the same box, which makes this solution viable.

    1) I am using devise for authentication on the rails side. I have created an override for the “authenticate!” method, which checks wordpress.

    require 'devise/strategies/authenticatable'
    module Devise
      module Strategies
        class DeviseOverride < Authenticatable
          def valid?
          def authenticate!
            if params[:user]
              user = User.find_by_email(params[:user][:email])
              # user = User.first
              if user # && user.encrypted_password == params[:user][:password]
                #check password with WordPress to verify it is a good user
                result = WordPressApi.verify_user(params[:user][:email], params[:user][:password])
                if result
                  fail!("Couldn't verify your login. Please try again.")
                fail!("Could not log in")
    Warden::Strategies.add(:local_override, Devise::Strategies::DeviseOverride)

    2) This calls a simple method where I just call over to the wordpress instance to verify the user exists. (I was trying to find a way check the DB table directly, but the WP password hashing isn’t something I wanted to tackle)

    3) On the wordpress side (along with some other stuff):

    $user = get_user_by('email', $email);
            // print $user->data->user_email;
            if ($user && wp_check_password( $pwd, $user->data->user_pass, $user->ID) )
                return_json_success('Valid User', 'user', $user);
                return_json_error('Passwords do not match', 200);
                // print "Password: {$pwd}, User: {$user} UserPass: {$user->data->user_pass}  UserID: {$user->ID}";
                // print 'Passwords do not match';