I am using a widget, U more recent posts. Seems to work with custom taxonomies when you input the correct data into it in a widget form, but the suggested shortcode doesn’t work (and I am trying to insert it into a post).
He suggests including the following;
so I have tried….
[u_more_recent_posts id="hue-recent-posts" tax_query="taxonomy=destinations&terms=174" post_type="post"]
I am sure, I just need to alter the shortcode slightly for it to work, but have been trying for hours and can’t work it out!! Any help would be ENORMOUSLY appreciated!!
I think the relevant code in the plugin are;
if( !empty($opts['post_type']) ) {
$query_args['post_type'] = $opts['post_type'];
if( !empty($opts['tax_query']) AND isset($opts['tax_query'][$opts['post_type']]) ) {
$tax_query = $opts['tax_query'][$opts['post_type']];
if( !empty($tax_query['taxonomy']) AND !empty($tax_query['terms']) ){
$tax_query['terms'] = explode(',', preg_replace('/s*/', '', $tax_query['terms']));
$_tax_query = array(
'taxonomy' => $tax_query['taxonomy'],
'terms' => $tax_query['terms'],
'field' => 'id',
$operator = '';
case 'include': $operator = 'IN'; break;
case 'exclude': $operator = 'NOT IN'; break;
case 'and': $operator = 'AND'; break;
if( !empty($operator) )
$_tax_query['operator'] = $operator;
$query_args['tax_query'] = array($_tax_query);
and this bit…..
if( isset($atts['tax_query']) ){
$opts['tax_query'] = array($opts['post_type'] => wp_parse_args(preg_replace('/&/', '&', $atts['tax_query'])));
Thanks very much in advance, I am completely stuck!!