Using jQuery noConflict() with

I have a site using a “widget” (from that includes the JavaScript library. The problem is that the site I’m building is on WordPress, so there’s the classic jQuery vs conflict.

I know that I need to run jQuery in .noConflict() mode, but I must be getting the syntax wrong. When I assign the $ to jQuery .noConflict as follows, it still shuts down the functions:

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var $ = jQuery.noConflict();

$(document).ready(function () {

    //#nav-main dropdown effects

    $('#nav-main ul li').hoverIntent(function () {
        $(this).find('.dropdown').stop(true,true).slideDown('900'); },
}); // end document.ready

I know that I am assigning the $ to jQuery in .noConflict() mode, and I assume that (which loads via a widget in the main body, therefore AFTER jQuery) is trying to re-assign the $ back to

How can I assign the $ to jQuery in a way that the later-loaded library won’t conflict? I’ve already tried the following without any success (the following code causes to work, but jQuery to fail):

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

    //#nav-main dropdown effects

    jQuery('#nav-main ul li').hoverIntent(function () {
        jQuery(this).find('.dropdown').stop(true,true).slideDown('900'); },
}); // end document.ready


The debug console output for the above code is:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDocument> has no method 'ready' (anonymous function) so the document.ready fails because it’s assigned to jQuery, which is somehow not loading properly…


Both of the 2 (at the time of this update) answers posted below do nothing to address the issue I’m struggling with. Perhaps they are technically correct, but they do not address my issue.

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  1. This worked for me so that I can have jQuery and working well together. Credit goes to codeimpossible for this lifesaver!

    Instead of:

    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        // Code to run on DOM ready
    }); // End document.ready

    Try this:

    ( function($) {
        // Code to run on DOM ready
    } )( jQuery ); // End document.ready
  2. I found the solution VERY surprising!

    First of all, using the $j = jQuery.noConflict(); mode did not work.

    Second, calling jQuery.noConflict(); at the head did not work.

    The method that did work was this one:

    Oddly, the Coda Slider 2.0 plugin does not automatically do noConflict so it turned out that IN ADDITION to the problems listed above, I needed to wrap that plugin in .noConflict(); as well. Shout out the the author of the blog post, not sure why other noConflict(); calling methods didn’t work, but I’m glad I found the post.

  3. Assigning jQuery right back to $ doesn’t do anything.

    Either assign jQuery to a different variable:

    var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();

    Or don’t assign it to anything:
