I’ve been trying to figure this out without success.
In created a 410.php in my theme, and in my nginx config, I added:-
error_page 410 /index.php?error=410
as I’d seen suggested in a few places, but as I saw mentioned in other places, that doesn’t work out. I just get the 404 page instead (returned with a 410 response).
I saw the mentions of http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-410/ but this is not what I want – I want to create 410 errors at the nginx level, and have nginx redirect them to a 410 page generated by WordPress.
Can anyone tell me the right way to do this, please?
Frankly, if there’s a correct way to send 410’s to the 404 page, I can customise the 404 page to look at the query parameters and tweak the text accordingly – not ideal, but it would do the job.