Updating WordPress Theme/Plugin POT file without losing line numbers consistency

This is a recurrent problem I have when building WordPress Theme or Plugin: each new feature added to the code breaks the i18n files consistency. POT/PO files store the line number of the translated string, so if I add a new ten-lines block of code to my Theme’s functions file for instance, all translated strings’ line numbers from this point will be wrong.

Currently I’m stuck with generating a new POT file with makepot and using a diff tool to update all line numbers accordingly. This is a waste of time especially when dealing with large translation files and/or multiple POT files… Did anyone ever came up with a clever way to update language files line numbers without crippling the already translated texts?

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1 comment

  1. use poedit, and build a translation database with it.

    Even without poedit you can probably parse an old po file to read all the translation and replace the matching string in the new file.

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