Updating parent themes vs. updating starter theme


I use framework parent themes (e.g. Thematic) mainly because it ensures that my custom themes inherit cutting-edge and standard compliant code.

Why I’m not yet using starter themes:

I’m reluctant to use starter themes (e.g. _s, Bones etc.) because, as I understand it, I’ll need to screen for code changes with every version update and then manually apply them to my custom theme. I’d rather

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My question:

Is my understanding of the process of updating starter themes correct and if so, is it not less work to simply reverse engineer a parent theme once and have automated version updates rather than repeatedly manually (and perhaps tediously) having to update my custom starter theme?

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  1. What kind of updates are you talking about?

    Your understanding is basically correct: if you make a theme from a starter theme, that theme won’t be automatically updated.

    But depending on what kind of updates you’re talking about, your themes shouldn’t need to be updated every time a new version of WordPress is released. New versions of WP don’t make old themes instantly obsolete. I’ve been using my own fork of HTML5 Starkers for over 3 years now, and sites I wrote 3 years ago are still just fine, even in WP 3.5. I haven’t had to update the theme. Someday, I’m sure, the themes will start to have some problems, but websites generally have a short shelf-life anyway, and I make sure my clients understand that even if you don’t get an entirely new website every few years, most websites will need some maintenance every once in a while.