Unset array item of class static property seems to not work

I try to write a plugin for WordPress, that keep into array some posts. This array it is contained inside a static property of a class.

The class is like the following:

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class my_class_name
    private static $posts = array();

    public function __construct()
        add_action('template_redirect',   array($this, 'get_posts'));

    public function get_posts()
        $args     = array(...);
        $my_posts = new WP_Query($args);
        $my_posts =   isset($my_posts->posts) && !empty($my_posts->posts) ? $my_posts->posts : array();

        my_class_name::$posts = $my_posts;

    public static function get_posts()
        return my_class_name::$posts;

    public static function unset_post($item_id)

$class_instance = new my_class_name();

And then in my theme I have the following code:

$my_posts    =   my_class_name::get_posts();

    $key    =   array_rand($my_posts, 1);
    $post   =   $my_posts[$key];
    my_class_name::unset_post($key);   // I have try this way
    unset($dynamic_banners[$key]);     // as well this way too

    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

But the problem is that the array with the given ID still exists in my array. Am I doing something wrong ?

Is there any solution for this situation ?

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  1. Arrays are pass-by-value in PHP, so $my_posts is not the same as the my_class_name::$posts variable. You have to unset the values in it separately:

    $key    =   array_rand($my_posts, 1);
    $post   =   $my_posts[$key];

    Alternatively, you can do pass-by-reference by declaring get_posts as

    public static function &get_posts()

    and then doing

    $my_posts = &my_class_name::get_posts();