Unknown occourance of specific phrase in WordPress theme PHP files

I have a WordPress theme, and when I go through the theme, I notice this line hdb-theme. I’m personally confused on what’s the importance of this, what does it do, and if it has any effect if I remove it.

Here are some examples of where this pops up in my theme’s PHP files:

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<?php wp_link_pages('before=<div class="page-link">' . __( 'Pages:', 'hbd-theme' ) . '&after=</div>') ?>

<?php comment_form_title( __('Post a Comment', 'hbd-theme'), __('Post a Reply to %s', 'hbd-theme') ); ?>

So can anybody explain to me what the importance of ‘hdb-theme‘ is?


I have found this article on StackOverFlow explaining it: WordPress theme name inside theme php files, what is the purpose of this?

Although can somebody explain it a little bit better to me? I’m just a beginner WordPress theme developer. Also, is it okay if I remove it from my theme? Will it have a big effect?


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  1. It has to do with localization – i.e. translations to different languages. It’s a convention that WordPress uses in case you want to develop a product that can be used in multiple languages around the world – i.e. Spanish, Russian, German, etc.

    So to answer you question, if you remove the hdb-theme, then potential future contributors that want to translate your theme to different languages will have a harder time 🙂

    Here is more information about the technology straight from the WordPress codex http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress#Localization_Technology.

    Hope this helped!