Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads in WordPress

I created php files for my plugin and added them to myplugin folder. Then I zipped myplugin folder as myplugin.zip. In Admin Panel of WordPress I wanted to install my plugin to wordpress. I choosed this zip file and clicked to Install “Now button”. Then WordPress gave an error:

Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2013/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

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What is the problem and how can I solve it? My OS is Linux and I use XAMPP server in my machine.

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  1. In your terminal, navigate to the wp-content folder and then run:

    chmod -R 0744 plugins 

    That will set the folder and its subfolders to read/write/execute for you and read for everyone else.

    Edit As suggested in the comments, check this out: codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions

    Alternatively you can just unzip them yourself and save them into this folder:


    Then you can just activate the plugin from the admin page.

  2. I am not entirely familiar with XAMPP but it should be run as a user. Most likely your own windows account. You may try this:

    Select the folder wp-content and right click -> properties. then go to Security Tab. There check to see if the User (i.e. you) has write+ modify permission.

    Check what is XAMPP server running as, the folder above must have the permissions for the same user.
    Double check the “general” tab on the wp-content folder and check the “Attributes” section. Make sure “Read Only is unchecked. If you are changing it, windows will prompt for whether to apply to subfolder. Say “yes”.

    . Or run XAMPP at Administrator and skip the above step .(assuming it is not production / public internet facing server).

  3. I had this problem yesterday, I solved it by uninstalling the WordPress module and installing it again as root from the terminal.

    I thought if I run the installation wizard as I was logged as root was enough, but it wasn’t.

    These are the steps for MacOS:

    1. Uninstall wordpress module. Be sure the folder is empty.
    2. Mount the wordpress disk image
    3. cd /volumes/nameOfWordpressModule image
    4. sudo bitnami wordpress module.app/Contents/MacOS/installerbuilder.sh

    I recommend you to list the items so you can write exactly the name of the image and app.

    Hope it helps!