I’m trying to figure out how to extract value-attributes pairs from a shortcode. Clearly I only care for the attributes that are there and that the user has entered.
I have it nailed with regex, but I’m told (by a laconic user of SO) that I should be able to do that with a native wordpress function, shortcode_atts
, which is described here.
However for the life of me I cannot get it to return the values.
First off, it is odd to me that I should feed to this function the default values every time I need to use it. It is clearly not designed to extract the values in the first place. But whatever.
$defaults_atts = array(
'width' => 640,
'height' => 360,
'mp4' => '',
'autoplay' => '',
'poster' => '',
'src' => '',
'loop' => '',
'preload' => 'metadata',
'webm' => ''
$rest = substr($post->post_content, 0, -8); // remove the closing [/video]
$videoattr = shortcode_atts( $defaults_atts , $rest, 'video' );
notice that I’m using $post->post_content
since all the post contains is the shortcode for a video. I only remove the closing shortcode tag I don’t need. (Before you tell that’s wrong, I tried not doing that and nothing changes.)
The shortcode in post_content
typically contains attributes ranging from width and height to the source files, mp4 or webm. In a simple case, it may look like this:
Now, when I test the above with print_r($videoattr)
all I get is the array with the default values.
What am I doing wrong??
Here’s more testing which fails, following suggestion:
first I modify the my_shortcode function:
function my_shortcode( $atts=array(), $content=null) {
$attribute = shortcode_atts( array(
'width' => '640',
'height' => '360',
'mp4' => '',
'autoplay' => '',
'poster' => '',
'src' => '',
'loop' => '',
'preload' => 'metadata',
'webm' => '',
), $atts);
/*echo '<pre>', print_r($attribute, 1),'</pre>';*/
echo '<pre>', print_r($atts, 1),'</pre>';
/*echo '<pre>', print_r($content, 1),'</pre>';*/
then I call it using… what I have, which is post_content.
This returns, as $atts, the same shortcode I originally fed to the function.
I understand that according to the function above, I should have fed an array of attributes, which is exactly what I don’t have.
the attributes that are pass on the shortcode are stored in $atts variable, or the first argument on your function
to give you an idea, here’s how it works,
lets say you have a shortcode like this
[mys hello="world" print="no"]Content[/mys]
and your php function looks like this,
the output will be
is the default attributes pass into the function,$atts
– attributes assigned and found on the shortcode tag, it will override the defaults if key matches,$content
– content that are enclosed inside a shortcode,The answer to my question was in fact the function
described here: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/shortcode_parse_atts/