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  1. The reason you have a problem is 0 is also considered equal to false, when the get_post_meta call returns false, it’s also the same as being equal to 0.

    if( !get_post_meta( $post_id, 'some-non-existant-field', true ) == 0 )

    Would be the same as …

    if( get_post_meta( $post_id, 'some-existing-field', true ) == 0 )

    ..the only difference is in one case the field doesn’t exist, and in one it does(and has a zero value), both will be true though.

    Additionally, 0 is not the same as '0', ie. one is a string value, the other an actual numeric value. Custom field values are stored as strings, so your comparison should go along the lines of..

    if( get_post_meta( $post_id, 'some-existing-field', true ) == '0' )

    .. to be accurate.

    I realise i’m bad at explaining this, so i hope that helps(or someone else explains it better).

  2. To extand Marc Duncans (a.k.a. @t31os) answer:

    You multiple ways to question “if ( $some_val_A IS $some_val_B )“. There is a difference between equal and identical.

    $real_world_ex = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ratings_users', true );
    // Example: test this in your functions.php
    function wpse26016_test_vars( $real_world_ex = '' )
        $some_int = (int) 1;
        $some_bool = (bool) 1;
        $some_string = (string) 1;
        echo '<pre>';
            echo 'I'm an integer: ';
                var_dump( $some_int );
            echo '<br />I'm some boolean: ';
                var_dump( $some_bool );
            echo '<br />I'm some string: ';
                var_dump( $some_string );
        echo '<hr><strong>Now we can see some comparison<strong><br />';
            echo '<br />I test if integer is <em>equal</em> boolean (notice the 2 "="-signs): ';
                var_dump( $some_int == $some_bool );
            echo '<br />I test if integer is <em>identical</em> boolean (notice the 3 "="-signs): ';
                var_dump( $some_int === $some_bool );
            echo '<br />I test if integer is <em>not equal</em> boolean: ';
                var_dump( $some_int != $some_bool );
            echo '<br />I test if integer is <em>not identical</em> boolean: ';
                var_dump( $some_int !== $some_bool );
        echo '<hr><strong>Now some real world example<strong><br />';
            echo '<br />This is the dump of what's inside your meta data: ';
                var_dump( $real_world_ex );
            echo '<br />I test if integer is <em>equal</em> to your meta data: ';
                var_dump( $some_int == $real_world_ex );
            echo '<br />I test if integer is <em>identical</em> to your meta data: ';
                var_dump( $some_int === $real_world_ex );
            echo '<br />I test if boolean is <em>equal</em> to your meta data: ';
                var_dump( $some_bool == $real_world_ex );
            echo '<br />I test if boolean is <em>identical</em> to your meta data: ';
                var_dump( $some_bool === $real_world_ex );
            echo '<br />I test if string is <em>equal</em> to your meta data: ';
                var_dump( $some_string == $real_world_ex );
            echo '<br />I test if string is <em>identical</em> to your meta data: ';
                var_dump( $some_string === $real_world_ex );
        echo '<pre>';

    As you can see (when you paste wpse26016_test_vars() in your template), there’s a difference between comparing “against value” or type “against value and type”.

    Use this function always to see if you’re doing it right 🙂

  3. Based on your clarification, I would recommend something like the following:

    $rating = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ratings_users', true );
    if ( '0' < $rating ) {

    Alternately, you could use:

    $rating = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'ratings_users', true );
    if ( '' != $rating && '0' != $rating ) {

    But I think the first method will work; and is more concise.

    The important thing to note here is that get_post_meta() returns an empty string if the post meta value isn’t set.

  4. I appreciate all the answers but $post_id was the issue it should have been $post->ID

    <?php if(get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'ratings_users', true ) =='0' ) {
    } ?>
  5. get_post_meta($id, 'key', true)
    • returns string if the key exists
    • return false if the key doesn’t exists

    If you’re using wp-postratings or any other plugin that uses custom_fields, they don’t create the key until it is used, so you can save time doing:

    if(!get_post_meta()) {
        // when field doesn't exist (false) or the value is integer 0 or empty string ''
    } else {
        // when the field exists