Translation for wordpress theme “Tarski”

I’m using the Tarski theme for a wordpress blog.
I want the blog to be french.

I looked at this page, but I can’t catch up how to use the .POT file to translate it in french.

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I downloaded the file and opened it with geany, made all the translation, ex:

msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Résultats de recherche

But then can someone explain to me what to do with this file?
I suppose I have to rename it to tarski_3.0-fr_FR.pot, but then where do I put it? Do I have to “compile” it somehow?

Thank you all.


It seems that I must ask a question here to find a answer by myself, I just find that I must generate .mo file from the .POT

But I’m still don’t know where to put this file… still searching.

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  1. You simply drop the .mo file in the root directory of your theme, and load the text domain. In your case, this last step is already done: the theme already loads its text domains (line 78 in functions.php, the function is load_theme_textdomain).

    If you’d like a GUI for editing your translation and generating the .mo, try Poedit.