I am using TinyMCE in WordPress 4.1. When I add a link via the Link tool, I need to use single quotes instead of double quotes:
<a href='http://google.com' target='_blank'>Google</a>
instead of
<a href="http://google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>
After adding the Link using the add/edit Link button, I can switch over to text view and fix the urls, but after I save if I edit the page again in Visual view, it adds the double quotes back.
Is there a configuration option for this, or another way I can force the Link tool to build urls with single quotes?
A plugin I use to build bootstrap tables has a shortcode that looks like this:
[tboot_table strip="yes" border="yes" condense="yes" hover="yes" cols="Age,Time,Register" data="Ages 3-4,9:00AM - 9:55AM,<a href='myurl.com' target='_blank'>Register</a>"]
If I have double quotes in the URL, it breaks the table.