TinyMCE Plugin Parameter

Can anyone tell me if there is anywhere I can find out what each of these TinyMCE plugins are for?


I’m wondering because if I remove the wordpress one that the editor will stop stripping out my <p> tags, but I also lose all my spacing in the html view of the editor as well.

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  1. The first few you listed are not WordPress specific, and information about them can be found as follows:

    1. inlinepopups
    2. tabfocus
    3. paste
    4. media
    5. fullscreen

    As for the WordPress specific plugins, their source code is here (trac). There are no comments, but here’s my take based on a very cursory read through:

    1. wordpress: seems to setup the editor with default buttons, classes, size, etc
    2. wpeditimage: seems to add the insert media dialog
    3. wpgallery: launches tb_show(“”,tinymce.documentBaseURL+”/media-upload.php?post_id=”+f+”&tab=gallery&TB_iframe=true&width=”+d+”&height=”+g) which adds the gallery dialog
    4. wplink: seems to add the insert link dialog
    5. wpdialogs: adds tinyMCEPopup js function, probably used by the other dialogs
    6. wpfullscreen: puts the editor in wordpress ‘distraction free’ full screen mode. Not sure why this one and the standard fullscreen plugin both exist.