Theme Customization API options on install

I’m working on a theme that use the WordPress Theme Customization API.

Everything is working as it should, except on initial theme install.

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Some of my options need to be set straight away on theme install.

After looking around it seems that setting the default arg in the add_setting option should set the option right away, but it’s not.

Here’s a short excerpt of my code:

add_action( 'customize_register', 'generate_customize_register' );
function generate_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {

    // Add Layout section
            'title' => __( 'Layout', 'generate' ),
            'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
            'description' => __( 'Allows you to edit your theme's layout.', 'generate' ),
            'priority' => 30

    // Add Header Layout setting
        // ID
        // Arguments array
            'default' => 'fluid-header',
            'type' => 'option'

    // Add Header Layout control
    // ID
    // Arguments array
        'type' => 'select',
        'label' => __( 'Header Layout', 'generate' ),
        'section' => 'layout_section',
        'choices' => array(
            'fluid-header' => __( 'Fluid / Full Width', 'generate' ),
            'contained-header' => __( 'Contained', 'generate' )
        // This last one must match setting ID from above
        'settings' => 'generate_settings[header_layout_setting]',
        'priority' => 1

As you can see, I created a section, a setting with a default and a control for that setting.

When I go to the Theme Customizer and save the options, a generate_settings table is created in the database with the options inside, as it should be.

However, on a fresh install of the theme, if I go into the database, no generate_settings table exists – the settings are only added to the database when I go into the Theme Customizer and save the options.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can do to populate the database with these settings on fresh theme install?


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1 comment

  1. Use default values when you fetch the settings. Never store defaults in the database.


    $defaults = array (
        'foo' => 'bar'
    $options = get_option( 'my_theme_options', $defaults );
    echo $options['foo'];