Syntax Error on if-statement

I’m trying to output different text depending on the custom post type and I’m getting a syntax error which I believe is due to multiple if-statements. The problem is that I have a very limited knowledge of PHP. Any ideas?


if ( 'lettering' == get_post_type() ) {

    <?php if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) { 
            $attachments = attachments_get_attachments();
            $total_attachments = count( $attachments );
            if( $total_attachments ) : ?>
            <ul id="process"><span>Process:</span>
                <?php endif; ?> <?php } ?>

} elseif ( 'type' == get_post_type() ) {

    <?php if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) { 
            $attachments = attachments_get_attachments();
            $total_attachments = count( $attachments );
            if( $total_attachments ) : ?>
            <ul id="process"><span>Additional Shots</span>
                <?php endif; ?> <?php } ?>


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  1. remove opening php tags like:

    <?php if ( 'lettering' == get_post_type() ) {
        this one --> <?php if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) { 


    <?php if ( 'lettering' == get_post_type() ) {
        if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) { 

    and similarly in elseif


    if ( 'lettering' == get_post_type() ) {
        if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) { 
            $attachments = attachments_get_attachments();
            $total_attachments = count( $attachments );
            if( $total_attachments ): 
                    <ul id="process"><span>Process:</span>
    } else if ( 'type' == get_post_type() ) {
        if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) { 
            $attachments = attachments_get_attachments();
            $total_attachments = count( $attachments );
            if( $total_attachments ): 
                    <ul id="process"><span>Additional Shots</span>
  2. As MarcB comments – popping in and out of PHP like this is not ideal. The alternative syntax is great if you are writing a predominantly HTML based file with some PHP injection, otherwise I’d use something like a HEREDOC to make things more easy to spot:

    if ( 'lettering' == get_post_type() ) {
      if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) {
        $attachments = attachments_get_attachments();
        $total_attachments = count( $attachments );
        if( $total_attachments ) {
          echo <<<EOSTRING
          <ul id="process"><span>Process:</span>
    } elseif ( 'type' == get_post_type() ) {
      if( function_exists( 'attachments_get_attachments' ) ) {
        $attachments = attachments_get_attachments();
        $total_attachments = count( $attachments );
        if( $total_attachments ) {
          echo <<<EOSTRING
          <ul id="process"><span>Additional Shots</span>