Subscription based access in WordPress using woocommerce

I have a WordPress site that besides some other pages, it has 10 pages which I want them to be with limited access. Basically, I want a page to be visible to a person only after he paid a subscription. Subscriptions can be for 1, 3 or 6 months. A person can buy subscriptions for one or more pages(with different periods of time). Each subscription should expire at the required time.

I am planning to sell those subscription using Woocommerce. So far I have tried to use Private Content but I can’t get a link between WooCommerce and Private Content. Also, the only payment gateway that I managed to set up so far is PayPal, but I want to use Skrill, Neteller and Credit Cards as well.

  1. How can I set up those subscriptions in order to permit access to those private pages?
  2. How can I set up the payment options in order to use Skrill, Neteller and CC for the subscriptions?
  3. I need to know who subscribed to what page (basically knowing his email that he used to register on the website) so I can send different emails depending on page the person subscribed?

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1 comment

  1. hi better to use a subscription plugin like

    — wordpress s2membership
    — wishlist membership

    These plugins provide the whole functionality you are asking for .
    1 you can set membership levels
    2 restrict the page content to only paid subscribers
    3 and choose the payment gateways also