I have searched and searched but cant find the solution or someone haveing the same issue.
I have a xampp with wordrpress installation. I use sublime with xdebug and it works good to debug my code, but it breaks at many places where i dont have breakpoints.
In different files and places i get options with the wordpress command get_option();.
$sub01 = get_option(woomps_sub01);
$sub02 = get_option(woomps_sub02);
And in another file it breaks at session->set:
WC()->session->set( 'sub_qty' , $total_qty );
If i run this it breaks at another line again:
$result = @call_user_func_array(array($class, 'create'), $parameters);
Then its runs further and stops at another get_option in another file:
$items_left_start = get_option(woomps_limit01);
My breakpoint window is empty. I have cleared the cache folder. Is there any other xdebug clear operations i can try to reset this? Or where can i find the information on how to learn how xdebug can interpret this lines as breakpoints?
I found an article about invisible breakpoints, but it was not like this for me. I dont see anything in my breakpoint window.
Im useing the Run function.
If you go into
Tools -> xDebug -> Settings - Default
you will see the following setting:The “Notice” will break the code i have pasted above. Too tell Sublime/xDebug not to break this code, go into
Tools -> xDebug -> Setings - User
paste the whole code from settings – Default and remove the part about notice. (This maybe not best practise, but works for me).