The $bet_closing is set to this in the WordPress admin: November 9, 2011 6:59AM GMT
Which is 12:01 am PST (California Time) on November 9th. But I want to be able to add another option in the admin so they can select a timezone based on UTC. In my own state it’s UTC -7. I tried this “November 9, 2011 6:59AM GMT -0700” but no go.
// Auto Close Bet
$now = time();
$bet_closing = strtotime(get_option('cp_gamble1_endtime'));
if ($bet_closing > $now) { // Betting Open!
$output .= 'On';
$cp_gamble1_onoff = true;
update_option('cp_gamble1_onoff', $cp_gamble1_onoff);
} else {
$cp_gamble1_onoff = false;
update_option('cp_gamble1_onoff', $cp_gamble1_onoff);
$output .= 'Over';
I’m sure there is a better way to do this. If there is I’m all ears 🙂
Just tested this (I put the command and the next line gives the result):
the same as:
But without
works well:You can use
function to set timezone before callingstrtotime()