I’m trying to get all posts where the wp_postmeta table has (meta_key='propdetails' AND meta_value LIKE '%Vacant Unrented Ready%')
, or (meta_key='featured' AND meta_value='on')
My existing query (below) is working, except when the meta_key ‘featured’ row is missing. Then, that post is not returned.
Similarly, for matching rows, I also need to retrieve I want to get the meta_value
where meta_key='martygeocoderlatlng'
. However, if that meta_key is missing, then that entire post isn’t returned at all.
So I need to take my existing query and make meta_key='featured'
or meta_key='martygeocoderlatlng'
optional, so if they aren’t there, I still can do my other comparisons and get the data I need.
(I think this would be done with an OUTER JOIN somehow, but I can’t quite sort out the syntax.)
Here’s my existing query, which returns only rows where meta_key=’featured’ and meta_key=’martygeocoderlatlng’ exist in the wp_postmeta table (and the other conditions in the WHERE clause are met, of course):
pm_featured.meta_value AS featured,
pm_latlng.meta_value AS latlng
wp_posts p
JOIN wp_postmeta pm
ON pm.post_id = p.ID
JOIN wp_postmeta pm_propdetails
ON (pm_propdetails.post_id = p.ID AND pm_propdetails.meta_key = 'propdetails')
JOIN wp_postmeta pm_featured
ON (pm_featured.post_id = p.ID AND pm_featured.meta_key = 'featured-property')
JOIN wp_postmeta pm_latlng
ON (pm_latlng.post_id = p.ID AND pm_latlng.meta_key = 'martygeocoderlatlng')
JOIN wp_term_relationships tr
ON tr.object_id = p.ID
JOIN wp_term_relationships tr_taxrel
ON (tr_taxrel.object_id = p.ID AND tr_taxrel.term_taxonomy_id = 12)
(pm_propdetails.meta_value LIKE '%Vacant Unrented Ready%'
pm_featured.meta_value = 'on')
AND p.post_type = 'property'
AND p.post_status = 'publish'
ORDER BY p.post_date DESC
That’s a pretty intense query. It’s hard to know exactly how to do this efficiently without knowing your table structures better (seems like a few of those JOINS could be combined).
Here is a stab just by editing your original query:
It’s just using LEFT JOINs to try to return the posts where meta_key might be missing, and then the WHERE section was modified to try to account for if pm_featured.meta_value IS NULL.
Could try another version if you provide some more info.
According to your question, this might also work. Really just a huge shot in the dark though =)
Since the second query ended up working (A little surprising, I made a lot of assumptions 😉 this one should be slightly faster and a little easier to understand…
(Note: especially if you have a composite index on (
) in thewp_postmeta
table.)The SUM(IF()) in the previous query is kind of fun but probably not as performant as it could be since it evaluates every row in the table. The query above whittles down the post_id’s first and then just grabs the corresponding data based on only eligible post_id’s after that.