I have a problem with ordering a query by converting longtext (b.meta_value) into a datetime. I am getting error 1064.
the format in my database is mm/dd/yyyy and I tried to order by
, but I keep getting error 1064. Where is the problem?:
convert(convert(b.meta_value,char(30)),DATETIME, 101)
convert(DATETIME, convert(b.meta_value,varchar(30)), 101)
convert(DATETIME, STR_TO_DATE(b.meta_value, '%m/%d/%Y'), 101)
Here is my query:
d.name as name,
b.post_id as post_id,
b.meta_value as meta_value
FROM wp_posts a
inner join wp_postmeta b
on a.id=b.post_id
inner join wp_term_relationships c
on c.object_id=b.post_id
inner join wp_terms d
on c.term_taxonomy_id=d.term_id
where meta_key in('px_event_from_date')
and a.post_type='events'
and a.post_status!='trash'
and d.term_id = 104
and STR_TO_DATE(b.meta_value, '%m/%d/%Y') <= CURDATE()
order by convert(DATETIME, STR_TO_DATE(b.meta_value, '%m/%d/%Y')) desc
limit 0,1
You should set
filter in yourJOIN
something likemeta_key = 'my_date'
(because I don’t know which meta key you are trying to catch):You are using convert incorrectly. You need cast instead.
In your case, however, you need STR_TO_DATE:
assume you have data value like ’02/02/2015′