Sorting wordpress events by date

I have a problem sorting Events in WordPress. I’d like to show the upcoming events first obviously. I have the code below and tried other variations from the WP Codex, etc. none works. My date is in the format of d.M.Y but I don’t think that matters. What happens is the events are sorted by the day of the month and the month is not taken into account.

'post_type' => 'cpu_education',
'cpu_education_category' => 'poslovni-seminarji',
'paged' => get_query_var('paged'),
'orderby' => date(), //'meta_value_num',
        "meta_key" => 'cpu_education_start_date',
        "order" => 'ASC'

When I use date() like in the sample code the sorting makes no sense at all. First row is sorted ok but the next rows make no sense. If instead of date I use meta_value_num it sorts the events by the day of the month so I get events starting on 1st always at the top which is not what I want. If tomorrow is 24th I wish that days events be at the top.

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I’d really appreciate if someone can help me out with this. Must be something simple I’m missing. It’s been bugging me for some time.

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