Sort WordPress posts by numerical custom fields

I added a code that allows me to sort WordPress posts by custom fields. I’m trying to sort the posts by prices, but it’s sorting by the first number and not the value:


Instead of:

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How can I get it to sort properly?

Here’s the code:

I took it from this discussion, but it was left unresolved there..

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  1. If you would like to do it manually (though the answers referencing WP_Query are better options), a reasonably nice treatment might use array_multisort:

    $arr = array(
    $keys = array();
    foreach ($arr as $value) {
        $keys[] = floatval(substr($value, 1));
    array_multisort($keys, SORT_ASC, $arr);
  2. I haven’t had a look at your code but you this has to do with the numbers being strings in your case. If you sort a string it is sorted like you describe. In order to sort it by it’s value you need to remove the $ sign and cast it to a number.