1. I very much doubt you can universally “trick” all plugins without touching at least some of some plugin code, but I think your best bet would be filters on the_permalink and post_link, and maybe pre_post_link. Even if you got that working it would be pretty “heavy”. That is, a lot of processing happens before you get to interrupt things.

  2. I’ve found a working solution around JetPack, that I can be inspired from it, for future reference.

    Seems that this plugin does exactly what I want:
    Intercepts sharing buttons to use post’s shortlink by adding a filter for (JetPack’s in this case) sharing_permalink

    Permalink should not bypassed completely, as it’s used for “likes” counters, matter is more complicated than I thought, but it’s a start and so far is working. I was trying to avoid JetPack, but it will do for now.

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