Slow loading of google Ads

I am using DFP google ads on wordpress site. Site is loading fast, but ads are appearing much later since I switched from GAM to GPT tags. It is loading ads very slow.
When I use ?google_console=1 it is showing me

443 ms to load 
6 ms to render

I updated lately WordPress and Total Cache W3 plugin to latest versions, maybe there is a reason why if not in GPT tag.

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  1. DFP is designed to load the ads asynchronously so that it doesn’t slow the loading of your site down, so this is expected behavior. You are probably used to your ads loading synchronously and so it might seem they use to load faster but really they were probably slowing down the rendering of your entire site.

    You can make DFP load synchronously as well though by changing the tag type in the generate tags screen of DFP (within the inventory section)