Show Heirachy of categories in WP Download Monitor

I have the Download Monitor Plugin installed and it works beautifully, I just have a question regarding the categories.

I have a parent category, Issue 0, which will have anywhere from 3-6 sub categories in it. Instead of the section on the front page looking like below, where it just lists every download in the parent category regardless of sub categories,

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How could I make it resemble the structure below, which actually uses the categories, where clicking on the sub category takes you to all of its downloads:

Issue 0 (7) >>

  • News
  • Diabetes
  • Worldview
  • interviews

( These needs to remain as links, like above)

Below is the code for the download_page shortcode, is there a way to incorporate the sub categories into this function?

function wp_dlmp_shortcode_download_page( $atts ) {

        'base_heading_level' => '3',
        'pop_count' => '4',
        'pop_cat_count' => '4',
        'show_uncategorized' => '1',
        'per_page' => '20',
        'format' => '',
        'exclude' => '',
        'exclude_cat' => '',
        'show_tags' => '0',
        'default_order' => 'title',
        'front_order' => 'hits'
    ), $atts));

    $output = wp_dlmp_output($base_heading_level, $pop_count, $pop_cat_count, $show_uncategorized, $per_page, $format, $exclude, $exclude_cat, $show_tags, $default_order, $front_order);
    return $output;

add_shortcode('download_page', 'wp_dlmp_shortcode_download_page');

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  1. From the documentation and its sample code, I cannot see an option to get the downloads categories tree.

    The function get_downloads returns a one-dimensional array. Maybe a routine could be built to convert it into a multi-dimensional array.

    Use this to see its contents:

    $dl = get_downloads();
    echo '<pre>' . print_r($dl, true ) . '</pre>';

    Another possibility is given by a global variable of the plugin that holds all the categories:

    global $download_taxonomies;
    echo '<!-- <pre>' . print_r( $download_taxonomies->categories, true ) . '</pre> -->';

    And the results are:

        [1] => download_category Object
                [id] => 1
                [name] => util
                [parent] => 0
                [decendents] => 
                [direct_decendents] => 
                [size] => 51
        [2] => download_category Object
                [id] => 2
                [name] => sys
                [parent] => 0
                [decendents] => Array
                        [0] => 5
                        [1] => 7
                        [2] => 8
                [direct_decendents] => Array
                        [0] => 5
                        [1] => 7
                [size] => 3
        [5] => download_category Object
                [id] => 5
                [name] => mac
                [parent] => 2
                [decendents] => Array
                        [0] => 8
                [direct_decendents] => Array
                        [0] => 8
                [size] => 4
        [7] => download_category Object
                [id] => 7
                [name] => windows
                [parent] => 2
                [decendents] => 
                [direct_decendents] => 
                [size] => 0
        [8] => download_category Object
                [id] => 8
                [name] => ipad
                [parent] => 5
                [decendents] => 
                [direct_decendents] => 
                [size] => 0

    Using this array, a logic can be built to iterate through the elements and display the categories hierarchy.

    Demonstration with a shortcode. Note that digforcats has to be a null value:

    add_shortcode('download_cats', 'wpse_73425_download_categories');
    function wpse_73425_download_categories( $atts ) 
        global $download_taxonomies;
        foreach( $atts as $key=>$value )
            $query .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;
        $the_cats = '<br><br>Download Categories:';
        foreach( $download_taxonomies->categories as $category )
            if( $category->parent == 0 )
                $the_cats .= '<br><b>' . $category->name . '</b><br>';
                $dl = get_downloads('category='.$category->id.$query.'&digforcats=');
                foreach($dl as $d) 
                    $the_cats .= '<br><a href="'
                    .$d->url . '" title="Version '
                    .$d->version . ' downloaded '
                    .$d->hits.' times" >'
                    .$d->title.' ('.$d->hits.')</a>';
                if( isset( $category->direct_decendents ) )
                    foreach( $category->direct_decendents as $cat )
                        $the_cats .= '<br>- - <i>' 
                        . $download_taxonomies->categories[$cat]->name 
                        . '</i><br>';
                       $dl = get_downloads('category='.$cat.$query.'&digforcats=');
                        foreach($dl as $d) 
                            $the_cats .= '<br><a href="'
                            .$d->url.'" title="Version '
                            .$d->version . ' downloaded '
                            .$d->hits.' times" >'
                            .$d->title.' ('.$d->hits.')</a>';
        return $the_cats;

    Screenshots of the plugin page and the shortcode output:

    plugin settings
    final result

  2. There is very good documentation on the WP Download Monitor available at the author’s website. For what you’re trying to do you need to create a custom format following the examples provided.

    Once you’ve created and saved the format you can specify the format to use in the shortcode or your php call.