Show Google profile image in WordPress comments. if author is else gravatar

I would like to show comments author google profile picture, if he entered a email address, else I will show the gravatar in comments.

With my limitation in coding I managed to put sample code to construct further:

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function comment_image() {
$email = get_avatar(get_comment_author_email());

$domains = array('', '');

$pattern = "/^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]*(" . implode('|', $domains) . ")$/i";

if (preg_match($pattern, $email)) {

    function email_to_userid() {
        // get user id of the email address -
        //request google profile image url eg:{API_KEY}
        // above will retun URL:  "url": ""
        // return the image URL
   } elseif; {
   echo get_avatar($comment, 60);

I will call the above function in my comments template to show the image:

<?php echo comments_image(); ?>

Thanks in advance for this great community.

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1 comment

  1. If you problem is purely syntactical, this should help:

    function comments_image() {
      $email = get_avatar(get_comment_author_email());
      $domains = array('', '');
      $pattern = "/^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]*(" . implode('|', $domains) . ")$/i";
      if (preg_match($pattern, $email)) {
      } elseif {
        echo get_avatar($comment, 60);
    function email_to_userid($email) {
      // get user id of the email address -
      // request google profile image url eg:{API_KEY}
      // above will retun URL:  "url": ""
      // return the image URL

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