As you can see from the image, I am listing all categories and the cities (taxonomy list).
What I want to do is :
If Car classifieds is selected on cities list show the city name which has car classified on that city. That means if 2 Car Classified is on London should show ‘London (2)’ (not total number). It is like filtering action.
I have something like
$cat_id = get_category(get_query_var('cat'))->slug;
wp_list_cats( 'hide_empty=1&hierarchical=1&order=ASC&show_count=1&taxonomy=location&title_li=0&cat=$cat_id' );
Which doesnt work. I feel I am really close to solve this but couldnt manage to do it.
I’m not hundred percent sure but I think the widget in scribu’s plugin, Query Multiple Taxonomies, works exactly as you described. You can find plenty of resources on the subject on his blog.