Set conditional on template based on referring page slug

I have a portion of a page template that is conditional upon the following elseif

<?php elseif( isset( $wp_query->query_vars['details'] ) &&  $wp_query->query_vars['details'] == 'child':

Is there a way to exclude a queries from a particular page slug? I would like to exclude queries coming from a page called services-we-provide.

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I tried the following with no luck:

 && !$wp_query->query_vars('pagename=services-we-provide')

I guess another thing I could do is add a elseif before the one above that looks to see if you’re coming from the services-we-provide page…is that possible, if so, how would I go about that?

A little more research and I foudn that this is usually done with a referrer. I found this javascript, however I’m unclear how / where to implement and how to reference in the elseif statement:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  1. I ended using the wp-get-referer function in a conditional. Here’s the resulting code:

        $ref1 = parse_url(wp_get_referer()); //getting the referring URL
        //Do stuff
    <?php else: ?>
        //Do other stuff
    <?php endif ;?>
  2. WP_Query does not exclude post objects based on title (using the post__not_in => array() parameter), rather based on its ID. So you would need to do another WP_Query, get_posts, or direct query on the database to obtain the post ID from title and use it on the WP_Query.

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