I’m working on a query for 2 days now, but I don’t know how to make it.
Basically I’m doing a Query using multiple join:
My Query :
SELECT wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.post_title, wp_posts.post_content, wp_posts.post_type,
wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy, wp_terms.name
FROM wp_term_relationships, wp_term_taxonomy, wp_terms, wp_posts
WHERE wp_term_relationships.object_id =80
AND wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
AND wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = wp_terms.term_id
AND wp_term_relationships.object_id = wp_posts.ID
That’s what she display (on the top), and what I wanna display (bottom)
Many thanks for your help
Maybe someone else has a cleaner way to do this, but the following should work: