I have been searching for a location search solution for wordpress.. The best semi-solution I have found is http://mondaybynoon.com/2010/02/22/store-locator-wordpress-pods
The problem being is that I do not want to use Pods and wish to search in the custom fields of a post instead.
I have a separate table set up with all UK postcodes + lat, log data..
Here is the function.
function mbn_get_stores_by_location( $postcode, $radius )
global $wpdb;
$radius = intval( $radius );
// we first need to get the source coordinates
$sql = "SELECT `latitude`, `longitude` FROM `uk_postcodes` WHERE `postcode` = '$postcode'";
$coords = $wpdb->get_row( $sql );
// now we'll get the other Postcodes within the radius, ordered by distance
$sql = "SELECT uk_postcodes.postcode, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians( $coords->latitude ) ) * cos( radians( uk_postcodes.latitude ) ) * cos( radians( uk_postcodes.longitude ) - radians( $coords->longitude ) ) + sin( radians( $coords->latitude ) ) * sin( radians( uk_postcodes.latitude ) ) ) ) AS distance FROM uk_postcodes HAVING distance <= $radius OR distance IS NULL ORDER BY distance";
$nearby_postcodes = $wpdb->get_results( $sql );
// we need to store the zips in order to build the Pods query
$target_postcodes = array();
foreach ($nearby_postcodes as $nearby_postcode)
array_push($target_postcodes, $nearby_postcode->postcode);
// we're going to store the results as we go
$store_results = array();
if( count( $target_postcodes > 0 ) )
$final_target_postcodes = implode(',', $target_postcodes);
if( strlen( $final_target_postcodes > 0 ) )
// let's snag the data
$stores = new Pod('stores');
$stores->findRecords('id ASC', 9, 't.postcode IN (' . $final_target_postcodes . ')');
$store_data = array();
while ( $stores->fetchRecord() )
$store_data['id'] = $stores->get_field('id');
$store_data['name'] = $stores->get_field('name');
$store_data['slug'] = $stores->get_field('slug');
$store_data['address'] = $stores->get_field('address');
$store_data['city'] = $stores->get_field('city');
$store_data['state'] = $stores->get_field('state');
$store_data['postcode'] = $stores->get_field('postcode');
foreach ($nearby_postcodes as $nearby_postcode)
if( $store_data['postcode'] == $nearby_postcode->postcode )
$store_data['distance'] = intval( $nearby_postcode->distance );
array_push( $store_results, $store_data );
unset( $store_data );
usort( $store_results, "mbn_cmp" );
return $store_results;
I am assuming that I need to change
$stores = new Pod('stores');
$stores->findRecords('id ASC', 9, 't.postcode IN (' . $final_target_postcodes . ')');
to reflect query_posts.. I have tried many variations of
$stores = query_posts('meta_key=post_code&meta_value=' . $final_target_postcodes . '');
with no avail..
Could some one please give me a pointer in the right direction?
There has been a number of questions and answers on this site regarding returning results based on Geo Location.
Please take a look at the following posts:
Is it possible to wrap Geo Location search around WP_Query?
Optimizing a Proximity-based Store Location Search on a Shared Web Host?
How can I implement a location based (zip code) search in WordPress?
I have geocoded posts with latitude longitude – How to search by radius?
Also please take a look at my plugin: Geo Data Store which I built due to the need for storing geo data in a more optimised fashion than what WordPress does out of the box. You save your coordinates in a custom field of your choice, tell the plugin which field that is by using a filter and then that custom field is copied into a table optimized for radius searching.
The plugin then gives you a couple of functions you can use to return post ID’s that are in a given radius of a point, which you can then use the post ID’s in a WP_Query or pre_get_posts.