1 comment

  1. If you want to and only need to do what @tf suggested, what is just to take care of displaying a 0 if no value is present, you can construct a function to do so like this:

    function wpse121165_return_carprice() {
        $ecpt_carprice = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ecpt_carprice', true);
        if(! empty( $ecpt_carprice ) ){
            return $ecpt_carprice;
        } else {
            return 0;

    Use the function like this: echo wpse121165_return_carprice();

    If you really need to update your database, you have to do this another way. Below code should give you an insight on how to do it:

     function wpse121165_update_carprice_meta() {
          // args to query for your key
          $args = array(
            'post_type' => 'your_post_type',
            'meta_query' => array(
                'relation' => 'OR',
                    'key' => 'ecpt_carprice',
                    'value' => 'bogus', // you have to pass a value
                    'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
                    'key' => 'ecpt_carprice',
                    'value' => ''
            'fields' => 'ids'
          // perform the query to get back an array of ids
          $not_exist_or_empty_ids = new WP_Query( $args );
          foreach ( $not_exist_or_empty_ids as $id ) {
              update_post_meta($id, 'ecpt_carprice', '0');

    Use the function like this: wpse121165_update_carprice_meta();. If you put this in you functions.php and perform your meta update on the database, make sure to disable it afterwards and not to call it over and over again.

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