SASS vs LESS – for making WordPress theme which one is better?

Saas and less – two css predecessor,

I am planning to use one of them in my next wordpress theme, Which one should i choose as specially for wordpress theme structure?

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With use of Bones theme which is start up theme for wordpress with sass and less enable,

Syntactically both are almost same. then What is main difference between sass and less?

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  1. Confused? Both LESS and SCSS has lot of features that minify CSS and save a huge time. Less will work on both client side and Server side. SCSS will only work on Server side.

    If you are doing a small project, say a Static WebPages or HTML, I suggest you to use LESS. Because Less takes only few minutes to setup and start. SCSS need more effort and time to setup (mainly Windows).

    If you have a large project and having Big Development, I suggest you to use SCSS because most of the programmers suggest it.

  2. The main difference between SASS/SCSS and all other preprocessors is that SASS has a large ecosystem of Compass extensions.

    Compass extensions are like libraries of code for all purposes: grid systems, media query tools, styling, math and color functions, resets/normalizations, prefixes… Anything you need.

    With LESS or Stylus, you’ll have to reinvent the wheel over and over again.

    See Singularity, Breakpoint, Breakpoint Slicer, Toolkit Compass extensions and this article: 25 Essential Sass and Compass Tools.

    You can use to fiddle with Compass extensions.