I would like to reverse the comment pagination numbers so that the newest comments show on page 1 instead of the last page. I did an array_reverse for the comments_array and set the WordPress Discussion Settings to first page displayed by default – everything works fine except when someone leaves a comment it doesn’t take in consideration the array_reverse and it takes the user to the link where the comment would be without the array reverse and obviously the comment is not there.
I noticed that the redirect comes from wp-comments-post.php
$location = empty($_POST['redirect_to']) ? get_comment_link($comment_id) : $_POST['redirect_to'] . '#comment-' . $comment_id;
Is there a way to get the correct redirect link after a comment is submitted? Or is there a simpler way to get the comment pagination numbers reversed?
Thanks in advance!
i’ve used
like this:
i used the plugin http://winkpress.com/articles/fix-reversed-comments-pagination/ to fix the “* and 1 comment” weirdness.
You have the option to pass
you can check it in action here http://www.joaoleitao.com/viagens/acerca-do-autor/
Wouldn’t it achievable withing the admin discussion setting page?