Is there a way that I can restrict access to url calls made to WP REST API? I am using WP REST API to create AJAX feeds that can be accessed through the URL. They are formatted like this:[posts_per_page]=10
The problem is that anyone can add /wp-json/posts?type=post&filter[posts_per_page]=10
to the end of my URL and retrieve a feed of this information. I want to turn this off when users are not logged into WordPress doing something like this:
if ( !is_user_logged_in()) {
// Turn off REST API feed
Or, I would like to add some kind of authentication that needs to be added to mask the api.
I found something like this online but I have not had any luck getting it to work. I added it to a custom plugin. Unfortunately I am still able to access the feed when not logged in.
add_action( 'init', function() {
global $wp_post_types;
$wp_post_types['post']->show_in_rest = is_user_logged_in();
}, 20 );
I am worried that there is no way to make a connection between activating the API and making the HTTP request on the front end. Am I thinking about this wrong? Has anyone run into this problem?
The problem and blessing of WordPress is that it allows too much flexibility, particularly when the platform provides a clean method: Require Authentication for all requests
To be fair, this is hidden in the frequently asked questions.
Edit: To exclude jwt-auth
This will remove all REST API endpoints for WordPress and Woocommerce for not logged in users:
This will block the entire REST API for anyone not logged in:
Standard caveat that this just turns off REST, nothing else. Make sure it has enough priority to come after other
filters. Did not test on multi site.You can add other tests to the conditional as well, if you want to filter by URL or other factors.