restore wordpress deleted menus

I am new in wordpress
I have database backup of my wordpress site
and by-mistake I have deleted all top menus
can I restore from database backup, or it is being stored in some files
which tables I need to restore
please help!

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  1. Unfortunately its not possible to restore deleted menus in WordPress using WP systems.

    you can only restore if you have a recent database backup.

  2. If you did it through the WP backend, you need to restore the entries from wp_posts and wp_postmeta. Look for the nav_menu_item post type, grab any row that uses that. Then note the associated IDs and grab the rows from wp_postmeta that use those IDs as Post ID. That should restore your menu.

  3. I had the same problem with wpml installed, turns out I had to restore the: wp_term_relationships table where the term_taxonomy_id matched the id of the menu (careful menu id is not the same as post id)