I am using the WP REST API (WP API) and am retrieving the posts with this call below.
There are 170 posts and the JSON file is 3.1MB which takes about 9 seconds to download. When pulling the posts the only data I need is the title and featurd image, therefore 99% of the JSON file is not needed.
I have been looking at this method below that removes fields from the response, it works to an extent but still doesn’t remove fields such as ID
and author
function remove_extra_data( $data, $post, $context ) {
unset( $data['ID'] );
unset( $data['status'] );
unset( $data['excerpt'] );
unset( $data['type'] );
unset( $data['author'] );
unset( $data['content'] );
unset( $data['parent'] );
unset( $data['date'] );
unset( $data['modified'] );
unset( $data['format'] );
unset( $data['slug'] );
unset( $data['guid'] );
unset( $data['menu_order'] );
unset( $data['comment_status'] );
unset( $data['ping_status'] );
unset( $data['sticky'] );
unset( $data['date_tz'] );
unset( $data['date_gmt'] );
unset( $data['modified_tz'] );
unset( $data['modified_gmt'] );
unset( $data['meta'] );
return $data;
add_filter( 'json_prepare_post', 'remove_extra_data', 10, 3 );
So what is the best method to remove all unwanted fields included fields that have nested content?
If the JSON is being decoded strictly as an array, and not an object, you could use something like
to filter out those properties which you don’t want.